
We shall guarantee the products against malfunction for a period of 12 (twelve) months -24 (Twenty-four) months, depend from product type, what must be asked from sales department assistant before purchase, as of the date of delivery to the Client. This warranty shall cover parts. It does not cover products damaged by incorrect use or handling or use or handling not in accordance with accepted practice or with the instructions given by us. Likewise, it does not cover products that have been modified or repaired without prior written authorization from us.


We shall provide the repair service for the products. Products shall not be modified or repaired by other entities without prior written authorization from us.

Support requests regarding the products shall be sent to us via e-mail to support@granditeka.eu

In case there is a need for repair of the products, Client shall send it to us for repair.  If the warranty does not cover the repair, we shall invoice the Client for the repair for the amount agreed separately.

The penalty for hardware disassemble is applied. In every case, we will inform the client about our decision.



In addition to any other limitations and exclusions in this warranty, we are not responsible for, and this warranty does not cover:
• usage in the manner other than its original purpose;
• failure or defects due to accident;
• damage device while doing device firmware updates incorrectly;
• damage device while using non proper power source, powering up from external power source;
• damage device while using it with non proper cables and adapters or other accessories;
• damage device while using it in conditions not compatible with conditions described in device user manual instructions.